Running example with teoSim First we must run a YARP name server if it is not running in our current namespace:
[on terminal 1] yarp server
What mostly changes is the library command line invocation. We also change the server port name. The following is an example for the simulated robot's right arm.
[on terminal 2] teoSim [on terminal 3] yarpdev --device BasicCartesianControl --name /teoSim/rightArm/CartesianControl --kinematics teo-fixedTrunk-rightArm-fetch.ini --local /BasicCartesianControl/teoSim/rightArm --remote /teoSim/rightArm [on terminal 4] ./cartesianControlExample [on possible terminal 5] yarp rpc /teoSim/rightArm/CartesianControl/rpc:s (for manual operation)