
Enables loading one or several YARP plugins in OpenRAVE, typically from ../../libraries/YarpPlugins/.

First open a:

yarp server

Note on Invocation

There are 2 ways to invoke OpenraveYarpPlanner:

  • Command Line (CLI): Note that the string with parameters passed from the CLI to OpenraveYarpPlanner are parsed within its int main(const std::string& cmd) function. This main() function is a strange animal within OpenRAVE plugins as commented at #30, which is affected by several issues, namely #59 and #60.
  • Python: Requires Python openravepy module.

Example 1

openrave data/lab1.env.xml --viewer qtcoin --collision ode --module OpenraveYarpPlanner

Then communicate via:

yarp rpc /OpenraveYarpPlanner/rpc:s

For instance, get help:


A goto (robotName) (manipulatorName) (joint pos goals) example:

goto BarrettWAM arm 0 0 0 90 0 0 0