
Enables interacting with and OpenRAVE environment via YARP

Example Invocation

First open a:

yarp server


openrave data/lab1.env.xml --module OpenraveYarpWorld

The equivalent Python script can be found at: ../../../examples/python/

Interfacing with OpenraveYarpWorld

Now communicate via:

yarp rpc /OpenraveYarpWorld/rpc:s

For instance, get help:


Get a list of information on the environment existing elements:


A world mk box/sbox (three params for size) (three params for pos) example to create a dynamic box (an sbox would be static), which is interesting if you activate Physics Engine ODE and Set Gravity -Z!

world mk box 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 1.5

A world mk cyl/scyl (radius height) (three params for pos) example to create a static cylinder:

world mk scyl 0.1 0.1 0 0.5 1.5

A world mk sph/ssph (radius) (three params for pos) example to create a static sphere:

world mk ssph 0.1 0.5 0 1.5

A world mk file (fileName) (three params for pos) [four params for axis angle (deg)]] example:

world mk file data/mug1.kinbody.xml 0.5 0.5 1.5 0 0 1 45

Now move the mug:

world set file_0 0.5 0.5 2.0

A world get (name) example:

world get file_0

A world grab (robotName) (manipulatorName) (objName) 0/1 example (replace arm for rightArm if you are with teoSim):

world grab BarrettWAM arm box_0 1

A world fk (robotName) (manipulatorName) example:

world fk BarrettWAM arm