
First open a:

yarp server

Notes on Invocation

Example 1

Open YarpOpenraveRGBDSensor device with data/testwamcamera.env.xml environment, view, apply to robot index 0, rgbSensor index 0 and depthSensorIndex 1 (name and view are required):

yarpdev --device YarpOpenraveRGBDSensor --env data/testwamcamera.env.xml --robotIndex 0 --rgbSensorIndex 0 --depthSensorIndex 3 --view --name /BarrettWAM --collision ode

Python equivalent: examples/python/openraveYarpPluginLoader-rgbdsensor-noRGB

Then open a viewer for RGB:

yarpview --name /yarpview/rgb/img:i

Connect the viewer for RGB (remove mjpeg if not available; change /BarrettWAM to /ecroSim for alternative):

yarp connect /BarrettWAM/rgbImage:o /yarpview/rgb/img:i mjpeg

Open another viewer for depth:

yarpview --name /yarpview/depth/img:i

Connect the viewer for depth (remove udp+recv.portmonitor+type.dll+file.depthimage_to_mono if not available; change /BarrettWAM to /ecroSim for alternative):

yarp connect /BarrettWAM/depthImage:o /yarpview/depth/img:i udp+recv.portmonitor+type.dll+file.depthimage_to_mono

Example 2 (no RGB)

yarpdev --device YarpOpenraveRGBDSensor --env openrave/mapping_room.env.xml --robotIndex 0 --depthSensorIndex 0 --view --name /ecroSim --collision ode

Python equivalent: examples/python/

Open a viewer for depth:

yarpview --name /yarpview/depth/img:i

Connect the viewer for depth (remove udp+recv.portmonitor+type.dll+file.depthimage_to_mono if not available; change /BarrettWAM to /ecroSim for alternative):

yarp connect /BarrettWAM/depthImage:o /yarpview/depth/img:i udp+recv.portmonitor+type.dll+file.depthimage_to_mono