This library contains a collection of free functions that aim to provide support for the family of yarp::sig::PointCloud<T>
template specializations. For the time being, roboticslab::YarpCloudUtils
allows users to:
Supported data types are:
(only for data import/export via .ply)yarp::sig::DataXYZ
(only for data import/export via .ply)yarp::sig::DataXYZRGBA
XY and plain-normal types are not available for surface meshing and cloud processing.
Both roboticslab::YarpCloudUtils::meshFromCloud
and roboticslab::YarpCloudUtils::processCloud
implement a set of Point Cloud Library (PCL) algorithms. A variety of PCL classes are exposed in a highly configurable pipeline:
PCL class | usage | point types | notes |
pcl::transformPointCloud | affine transformation | any | translation (meters) and rotation (scaled axis-angle, radians) |
pcl::transformPointCloudWithNormals | affine transformation | any normal type | see above |
pcl::ApproximateVoxelGrid | cloud resampling | any | |
pcl::BilateralFilter | cloud filtering | XYZI(Normal) | |
pcl::BilateralUpsampling | cloud processing | XYZRGBA | organized clouds only |
pcl::ConcaveHull | mesh construction | any | |
pcl::ConvexHull | mesh construction | any | |
pcl::CropBox | cloud filtering | any | |
pcl::FastBilateralFilter | cloud filtering | XYZ(RGBA) | organized clouds only |
pcl::FastBilateralFilterOMP | cloud filtering | XYZ(RGBA) | organized clouds only |
pcl::GreedyProjectionTriangulation | mesh construction | XYZ/XYZI/XYZRGBA + Normal | |
pcl::GridMinimum | cloud resampling | any | |
pcl::GridProjection | surface reconstruction | XYZ/XYZI/XYZRGBA + Normal | |
pcl::LocalMaximum | cloud resampling | any | |
pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe | surface reconstruction | XYZ/XYZI/XYZRGBA + Normal | |
pcl::MarchingCubesRBF | surface reconstruction | XYZ/XYZI/XYZRGBA + Normal | |
pcl::MedianFilter | cloud filtering | any | organized clouds only |
pcl::MeshQuadricDecimationVTK | mesh processing | (mesh) | |
pcl::MeshSmoothingLaplacianVTK | mesh processing | (mesh) | |
pcl::MeshSmoothingWindowedSincVTK | mesh processing | (mesh) | |
pcl::MeshSubdivisionVTK | mesh processing | (mesh) | |
pcl::MovingLeastSquares | cloud processing | any | requires PCL 1.9+ |
pcl::NormalEstimation | normal estimation | any | |
pcl::NormalEstimationOMP | normal estimation | any | |
pcl::OrganizedFastMesh | mesh construction | XYZ(RGBA) | organized clouds only |
pcl::PassThrough | cloud filtering | any | |
pcl::Poisson | surface reconstruction | XYZ/XYZI/XYZRGBA + Normal | threads requires PCL 1.12+ |
pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval | cloud filtering | any | |
pcl::RandomSample | cloud resampling | any | |
pcl::SamplingSurfaceNormal | cloud resampling | XYZ/XYZI/XYZRGBA + Normal | |
pcl::ShadowPoints | cloud filtering | any normal type | only normal types |
pcl::SimplificationRemoveUnusedVertices | mesh simplification | (mesh) | |
pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval | cloud filtering | any | |
pcl::UniformSampling | cloud resampling | any | |
pcl::VoxelGrid | cloud resampling | any |
Mesh construction methods preserve the original point cloud as the surface vertices and simply construct the mesh on top, while surface reconstruction changes the topology of the input cloud.
YARP mechanisms are taken advantage of to set up the pipeline, especially in terms of the dictionary of key-values provided by yarp::os::Property
. Depending on the selected function overload, each step of the pipeline corresponds either to an element of a vector of such dictionaries, or a group/dictionary within a named section collection context.
As a rule of thumb, there will always be a key named algorithm
which corresponds to one of the supported PCL classes, i.e. the paired value must be equal to the class name of the selected algorithm.
Remaining keys of the configured step, if any, correspond to configuration setters pertaining to the algorithm, always following the camelCase naming convention. For instance, in order to access the pcl::Poisson::setMinDepth
setter, one would create a dictionary key named minDepth
and assign it an integer value. In a similar manner, dictionary values are mapped to enumerations, e.g. pcl::OrganizedFastMesh::TriangulationType:QUAD_MESH
can be requested by assigning quadMesh
to key triangulationType
In absence of key-value entries (beyond the mandatory algorithm
one), the pipeline assumes default values as defined by each class constructor.
Note: mind input/output types for each step. If the output of step N is not compatible with the expected input of step N+1, an error will be reported.
The most straightforward way to configure a pipeline is using the VectorOf<Property>
overload. Each element of the vector is one step of the pipeline, order is preserved:
The above pipeline will first downsample the input cloud using the pcl::VoxelGrid
algorithm with a leaf size of 2 cm. Since pcl::Poisson
requires an input normal type, we estimate normals with an intermediate NormalEstimation
step, and then perform surface reconstruction.
Handy overloads are provided for both meshFromCloud
and processCloud
to parse the pipeline from a configuration file or similar context (e.g. command line) using the YARP native configuration format (see YARP config files).
The same behavior shown in the previous section can be achieved with an .ini file such as:
Then, in C++ code:
The myPipeline
element is the name of the section collection which is common to all steps in this configuration (see YARP docs). We can express this intent also directly in C++ code:
Or, via command line:
In case you want to maintain a collection of pipeline configurations, each one placed within its own .ini file, then select the most appropriate for the task at hand, it is advised to use the include
feature combined with simultaneous section collection (docs). Refer to YARP documentation for further examples and a similar functionality related to directory inclusion.
Bartek Łukawski, Alberto Rodríguez-Sanz, Elisabeth Menendez, Juan G. Victores, and Carlos Balaguer. A user-friendly point cloud processing pipeline for interfacing PCL with YARP. In XLV Jornadas de Automática. Universidade da Coruña, 2024.
```bibtex @inproceedings{lukawski2024jjaa, author = {{\L}ukawski, Bartek and Rodríguez-Sanz, Alberto and Menendez, Elisabeth and Victores, Juan G. and Balaguer, Carlos}, title = {A user-friendly point cloud processing pipeline for interfacing {PCL} with {YARP}}, booktitle = {XLV Jornadas de Automática}, year = {2024}, publisher = {Universidade da Coruña}, doi = {10.17979/ja-cea.2024.45.10925} }