#include <PointAtObjectServer.hpp>
bool | init () |
bool | close () |
void | makeFloorActor (vtkActor *_floorActor) |
PointAtObjectServer is the main class. PointAtObjectServer creates:
- A VTK Renderer and VTK Render Window, adding axes and floor actors to it for spatial reference.
- A LineCallbackPort object (LineCallbackPort implements a callback on port reception of point data to update the Line object).
- A vtkTimerCallback object (vtkTimerCallback connects to the Kinect, connects its timer event to a member as a callback function so the Kinect data can always be updated; it forces re-render, and recalculates kinect object - Line intersection).
- A SharedArea through where the Line object information is safely shared (internal use of semaphores).
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: