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Joint Limits#

Can be found at Motores: motores

DH Parameters#

Group: head#

trunk for head (root to neck)#


Link θ D A α
1 q13 l0 0 -90
2 q14 0 0 90


Link θ D A α
1 q27 l1+l2 0 -90
2 q28 0 0 90

head additional transformations#


Name Transformation
H_head_rgb TrasZ(l3) * RotZ(-90) * RotX(-90) * TrasX(-l14)
H_head_depth TrasZ(l3) * RotZ(-90) * RotX(-90) * TrasX(-l14-l15)
H_head_flea TrasZ(l3+l4) * RotZ(-90) * RotX(-90)

Group: rightArm#

trunk for rightArm (root to rightArm)#


Link θ D A α
1 q13 l0 0 -90
2 -90+q14 -l5 l1 0



Link θ D A α
1 q15 0 0 -90
2 -90+q16 0 0 -90
3 -90+q17 -l6 0 -90
4 q18 0 0 90
5 q19 -l7 0 -90
6 -90+q20 0 -l8 0

fetch (right)#


Link θ D A α
1 -90 0 0 90
2 0 lf 0 0

Group: leftArm#

trunk for leftArm (root to leftArm)#


Link θ D A α
1 q13 l0 0 -90
2 -90+q14 l5 l1 0



Link θ D A α
1 q21 0 0 -90
2 -90+q22 0 0 -90
3 -90+q23 -l6 0 -90
4 q24 0 0 90
5 q25 -l7 0 -90
6 -90+q26 0 -l8 0

fetch (left)#


Link θ D A α
1 -90 0 0 90
2 0 lf 0 0

Group: rightLeg#

root to rightLeg#


Link θ D A α
1 90 -l9 -l13 0



Link θ D A α
1 q6 0 0 90
2 90+q5 0 0 90
3 q4 0 -l10 0
4 q3 l16 -l11 0
5 q2 0 0 -90
6 q1 0 -l12 0

Group: leftLeg#

root to leftLeg#


Link θ D A α
1 90 -l9 l13 0



Link θ D A α
1 q7 0 0 90
2 90+q8 0 0 90
3 q9 0 -l10 0
4 q10 -l16 -l11 0
5 q11 0 0 -90
6 q12 0 -l12 0

Group: Deprecated transformations#

The below are not required at time of writing, and may become outdated with time.

Deprecated trunk (root to hip)#

This is the original trunk, but the three variants (for head, rightArm, leftArm; respectively, above) seem to be more useful.


Link θ D A α
1 q13 l0 0 -90
2 q14 0 0 0

Deprecated additional transformations#

Some not required, redundant or may be derived from from existing dh-root-*.csv contents (above).


Name Transformation
H_hip_neck RotX(90)
H_hip_leftArm TrasZ(l5) * RotZ(-90) * TrasX(l1)
H_hip_rightArm TrasZ(-l5) * RotZ(-90) * TrasX(l1)


lengths distance [mm]
l0 193.2
l1 305
l2 162.5
l3 59.742
l4 37.508
l5 346.92
l6 329.01
l7 215
l8 90
l9 92
l10 330
l11 300
l12 123.005
l13 146
l14 18
l15 26
l16 17.5
lf 97.5

Bill of materials (BOM)#


Device Brand Model YARP device Desciption/Comments
EC Motor Maxon 339282/339287/400108/402686/411815 nan 30/50/70 W
Motor Driver Technosoft iPOS 3602/3604/4808 (MX) TechnosoftIpos 3602 -> front wrist 3604 -> all except legs and trunk 4808 -> legs and trunk
Relative Encoder CUI Inc AMT 203-V TechnosoftIpos nan
Absolute Encoder CUI Inc AMT 203-V CuiAbsolute Uses PIC18F2580
Force-Torque Sensor JR3 50M31A3-125-DH Jr3 50M31A3-125-DH -> wrist ((( unknown ))) -> ankle
Inertial Sensor XSENS MTi-28A53G35 xsensmtx Product ID: MTi-28A53G35 Device ID: 00305355
RGBD Sensor ASUS XtionPRO Live OpenNI2Server RGB and Depth Sensor
RGB Camera Point Grey Flea3 FL3-U3-88S2C-C AravisGigE USB3
Fetch Hand Lacquey Fetch Hand LacqueyFetch Three finger underactuated
CAN board PEAK-System PCAN-M.2 CanBusPeak Four channels


Motores: motores#


Joint Label CAN Bus CAN ID YARP Port YARP ID MOTOR R. total Hard. Limit Min (degrees) Hard. Limit Max (degrees) Soft. Limit Min (degrees) Soft. Limit Max (degrees) Human-inspired Min Limit (degrees) Human-inspired Max Limit (degrees)
SagittalRightAnkle SRA1 Locomotion /dev/can0 1 /teo/rightLeg 5 402686 235.2 -24.9561 47.522 -19.9 42.5 -5 5
FrontalRightAnkle FRA2 Locomotion /dev/can0 2 /teo/rightLeg 4 411815 270.4 -28.1195 30.3867 -23.1 25.4 -20 25.4
FrontalRightKnee FRK3 Locomotion /dev/can0 3 /teo/rightLeg 3 402686 235.2 -66.3269 87.4341 -61.3 82.4 0 82.4
FrontalRightHip FRH4 Locomotion /dev/can0 4 /teo/rightLeg 2 402686 192 -36.6257 47.2759 -31.6 42.3 -31.6 30
SagittalRightHip SRH5 Locomotion /dev/can0 5 /teo/rightLeg 1 402686 523.2 -19.2443 17.4868 -14.2 12.5 -14.2 12.5
AxialRightHip ARH6 Locomotion /dev/can0 6 /teo/rightLeg 0 339287 400 -37.7856 32.935 -32.8 27.9 -32.8 27.9
FrontalTrunk FT14 Locomotion /dev/can0 14 /teo/trunk 1 339287 480 -95.413 15.1142 -90.4 10.1 -90.4 10.1
AxialTrunk AT13 Locomotion /dev/can1 13 /teo/trunk 0 411815 160 -51.3181 51.3181 -59.3 46.3 -30 30
AxialLeftHip ALH7 Locomotion /dev/can1 7 /teo/leftLeg 0 339287 400 -32.935 37.7856 -27.9 32.8 -27.9 32.8
SagittalLeftHip SLH8 Locomotion /dev/can1 8 /teo/leftLeg 1 402686 523.2 -17.4868 19.2443 -12.5 14.2 -12.5 14.2
FrontalLeftHip FLH9 Locomotion /dev/can1 9 /teo/leftLeg 2 411815 192 -36.6257 47.2759 -31.6 42.3 -31.6 30
FrontalLeftKnee FLK10 Locomotion /dev/can1 10 /teo/leftLeg 3 402686 235.2 -66.3269 87.4341 -61.3 82.4 0 82.4
FrontalLeftAnkle FLA11 Locomotion /dev/can1 11 /teo/leftLeg 4 402686 270.4 -28.1195 30.3867 -23.1 25.4 -20 25.4
SagittalLeftAnkle SLA12 Locomotion /dev/can1 12 /teo/leftLeg 5 402686 235.2 -47.522 24.9561 -42.5 19.9 -5 5
FrontalRightShoulder FRS15 Manipulation /dev/can2 15 /teo/rightArm 0 411815 160 -103.076 110.967 -98.1 106 -98.1 45
SagittalRightShoulder SRS16 Manipulation /dev/can2 16 /teo/rightArm 1 411815 160 -80.4745 27.4165 -75.5 22.4 -75.5 22.4
AxialRightShoulder ARS17 Manipulation /dev/can2 17 /teo/rightArm 2 608141 120 -85.1494 62.0211 -80.1 57 -40 55
FrontalRightElbow FRE18 Manipulation /dev/can2 18 /teo/rightArm 3 411815 160 -104.569 103.409 -99.6 98.4 -99.6 5
AxialRightWrist ARW19 Manipulation /dev/can2 19 /teo/rightArm 4 400108 120 -85.413 104.64 -80.4 99.6 -80.4 90
FrontalRightWrist FRW20 Manipulation /dev/can2 20 /teo/rightArm 5 339282 120 -120.123 49.7188 -115.1 44.7 -70 44.7
FrontalNeck FN28 Manipulation /dev/can2 28 /teo/head 1 nan nan nan nan -10 10 nan nan
AxialNeck AN27 Manipulation /dev/can3 27 /teo/head 0 nan nan nan nan -60 60 nan nan
FrontalLeftShoulder FLS21 Manipulation /dev/can3 21 /teo/leftArm 0 411815 160 -101.828 118.19 -96.8 113.2 -96.8 45
SagittalLeftShoulder SLS22 Manipulation /dev/can3 22 /teo/leftArm 1 411815 160 -28.8928 81.4587 -23.9 76.5 -23.9 76.5
AxialLeftShoulder ALS23 Manipulation /dev/can3 23 /teo/leftArm 2 400108 120 -56.5905 89.0861 -51.6 84.1 -51.6 40
FrontalLeftElbow FLE24 Manipulation /dev/can3 24 /teo/leftArm 3 339282 160 -106.134 101.845 -101.1 96.8 -101.1 5
AxialLeftWrist ALW25 Manipulation /dev/can3 25 /teo/leftArm 4 339282 120 -106.327 81.4411 -101.3 76.4 -90 76.4
FrontalLeftWrist FLW26 Manipulation /dev/can3 26 /teo/leftArm 5 339282 120 -118.26 66.3445 -113.3 61.3 -70 61.3

Motores: protecciones-brazos#


Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 1 Hombro Frontal Hombro Sagital Hombro Axial Codo Frontal Muñeca Axial Muñeca Frontal
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Ref Motor nan 339282 339282 339282 339282 339282 339282
driver nan iPOS3604 iPOS3604 iPOS3604 iPOS3604 iPOS3602 iPOS3604
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Corriente Nominal (A) Inom 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849
Temperatura Max del bobinado (ºC) Tmax 125 125 125 125 125 125
Temperatura final del bobinado (ºC) Tw,∞ 100 100 80 100 80 100
Corriente Max de trabajo (A) Ipeak 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 3.20 5.38
Resistencia termica bobinado (K/W) Rth1 3.96 3.96 3.96 3.96 3.96 3.96
Resistencia termica carcasa (K/W) Rth2 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70
Constante de tiempo termica (s) τw 18.25 18.25 18.25 18.25 18.25 18.25
Coeficiente de resistencia Cu (K-1) αCU 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039
Resistencia del motor (Ω) Rmot 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69
PROTECCION DE CORRIENTES DE PICO nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Factor de sobrecarga K 8.1145 8.1145 6.0482 8.1145 3.5975 8.1145
Tiempo de Corte de sobrecarga (s) ton 0.2793 0.2793 0.5059 0.2793 1.4679 0.2793
PROTECCION DE CORRIENTES DE i2t nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Perdidas por efecto Joule (W) PJ 7.7640 7.7640 5.6936 7.7640 5.6936 7.7640
Resistencia del bobinado a Tw,∞(Ω) RTW 8.6468 8.6468 8.1250 8.6468 8.1250 8.6468
Corriente I2t (A) II2t 0.9476 0.9476 0.8371 0.9476 0.8371 0.9476
Tiempo de Corte de I2t (s) t 25.3053 25.3053 14.5759 25.3053 14.5759 25.3053
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Motor Tensión (V) Peso (Gr) Par max (Nm) Par RMS (Nm) I max (A) I RMS (A) Vel. Nom (rpm)
Flat Brushless EC 45 30W (339282) 36 110 0.337 0.0666 5.38 0.849 4760
Driver nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
iPOS3604MX-CAN 36 ,,, ,,, ,,, 10 (2,5s) 4 ,,,

Motores: protecciones-piernas#


Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 1 Tobillo Sagital Tobillo Frontal Rodilla Cadera Frontal Cadera Sagital Cadera Axial
Torques RMS Articulación (Nm) nan 18.71 25.15 26.72 10.22 53.39 3.20
Torques Max Articulación (Nm) nan 49.70 59.43 61.86 25.99 84.41 7.24
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Relación de Red. Poleas nan 1.47 1.69 1.47 1.2 3.27 2.5
Torques Constant (mNm/A) nan 33.5 53.3 53.3 53.3 101 101
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Torques RMS Motor (Nm) nan 0.0796 0.0930 0.1136 0.0533 0.1020 0.0080
Torques Max Motor (Nm) nan 0.2113 0.2198 0.2630 0.1354 0.1613 0.0181
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Velocidad Eje Max nan 24.9040 8.1382 32.9043 30.1766 4.2060 0.0000
Velocidad Motor Max nan 5857.4200 2200.5700 7739.1000 5793.9000 2200.5700 0.0000
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Currents RMS Motor (A) nan 2.3748 1.7451 2.1317 0.9991 1.0104 0.0793
Currents Max Motor (A) nan 6.3078 4.1235 4.9344 2.5402 1.5974 0.1792
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Ref Motor nan 251601 402686 402686 402686 339287 339287
driver nan iPOS3604 iPOS3604 iPOS3604 iPOS3604 iPOS3602 iPOS3604
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Corriente Nominal (A) Inom 2.360 1.930 1.930 1.930 0.861 0.861
Temperatura Max del bobinado (ºC) Tmax 125 125 125 125 125 125
Temperatura final del bobinado (ºC) Tw,∞ 100 100 100 100 100 100
Corriente Max de trabajo (A) Ipeak 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 4.86 4.86
Resistencia termica bobinado (K/W) Rth1 4.50 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.50 4.50
Resistencia termica carcasa (K/W) Rth2 4.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 4.25 4.25
Constante de tiempo termica (s) τw 26.35 48.25 48.25 48.25 26.35 26.35
Coeficiente de resistencia Cu (K-1) αCU 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039
Resistencia del motor (Ω) Rmot 0.978 1.74 1.74 1.74 7.41 7.41
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
PROTECCION DE CORRIENTES DE PICO nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Factor de sobrecarga K 12.1549 15.5775 15.5775 15.5775 8.0959 8.0959
Tiempo de Corte de sobrecarga (s) ton 0.1790 0.1993 0.1993 0.1993 0.4051 0.4051
Corriente Max de trabajo (A) Ipeak 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 4.86 4.86
PROTECCION DE CORRIENTES DE i2t nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Perdidas por efecto Joule (W) PJ 8.5714 10.0402 10.0402 10.0402 8.5714 8.5714
Resistencia del bobinado a Tw,∞(Ω) RTW 1.2641 2.2490 2.2490 2.2490 9.5774 9.5774
Corriente I2t (A) II2t 2.6040 2.1129 2.1129 2.1129 0.9460 0.9460
Tiempo de Corte de I2t (s) t 36.5277 66.8941 66.8941 66.8941 36.5277 36.5277
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Superficie de I2t (A2/s) SI2t 247.6890 298.6405 298.6405 298.6405 32.6909 32.6909
Tiempo de Corte de I2t fijado (s) t - nuevo 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000
Corriente I2t (A) II2t- nuevo 4.0636 4.4620 4.4620 4.4620 1.4763 1.4763
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Motor Tensión (V) Peso (Gr) Par max (Nm) Par RMS (Nm) I max (A) I RMS (A) Vel. Nom (rpm)
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
Flat Brushless EC 45 50W (339287) 36 110 0.488 0.0943 4.86 0.861 3360
Flat Brushless EC 45 50W (251601) 24 110 0.822 0.0843 24.5 2.36 6700
Flat Brushless EC 45 70W (402686) 36 141 1 0.108 20.7 1.93 6330
Flat Brushless EC 45 30W (339282) 36 110 0.337 0.0666 5.38 0.849 4760
Driver nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
iPOS3604MX-CAN 36 ,,, ,,, ,,, 10 (2,5s) 4 ,,,
iPOS4808MX-CAN 50 ,,, ,,, ,,, 20 (2,5s) 8 ,,,

Motores: transmision#


Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 1 Unnamed: 2 Unnamed: 3 Unnamed: 4 Unnamed: 5 Unnamed: 6 Unnamed: 7 Unnamed: 8
Articulación Motor Polea Entrada Correa Polea Salida Dist. Entre Ejes reductora Relación R. total
Tobillo Sagital 251601 Optibelt ZRS 30-3M-6 OMEGA 255-3M 3 Optibelt ZRS 44-3M-6 90 mm 160 1.47 235.2
Tobillo Frontal 402686 Optibelt ZRS 26-3M-6 OMEGA 402-3M 3 Optibelt ZRS 44-3M-6 147'2 mm 160 1.69 270.4
Rodilla 402686 Optibelt ZRS 30-3M-6 OMEGA 276-3M 3 Optibelt ZRS 44-3M-6 83'9 mm 160 1.47 235.2
Cadera Frontal 402686 Optibelt ZRS 30-3M-6 OMEGA 357-3M 3 Optibelt ZRS 36-3M-6 127 mm 160 1.2 192
Cadera Sagital 339287 Optibelt ZRS 22-3M-6 OMEGA 312-3M 3 Optibelt ZRS 72-3M-6 82 mm 160 3.27 523.2
Cadera Axial 339287 Optibelt ZRS 24-3M-6 OMEGA 225-3M 6 Optibelt ZRS 60-3M-6 ???? 160 2.5 400
Cintura Frontal 251601 Optibelt ZRS 10-3M-9 OMEGA 231-3M 9 Optibelt ZRS 30-3M-9 ???? 160 3 480
Cintura Axial 251601 ----- ----- ----- ----- 160 ----- 160
Hombro Frontal 339282 ----- ----- ----- ----- 160 ----- 160
Hombro Sagital 339282 ----- ----- ----- ----- 160 ----- 160
Hombro Axial 339282 ----- ----- ----- ----- 120 ----- 120
Codo Frontal 339282 ----- ----- ----- ----- 160 ----- 160
Muñeca Axial 339282 ----- ----- ----- ----- 120 ----- 120
Muñeca Frontal 339282 ----- ----- ----- ----- 120 ----- 120