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Install daemontools#

Install daemontools (Ubuntu)#

sudo apt install daemontools daemontools-run csh

daemontools can be activated in /etc/rc.local through the line (before exit):

/bin/csh -cf '/usr/bin/svscanboot &'

Create a service#

  1. Create a folder inside /etc/service, e.g. /etc/service/whatever
  2. Inside it, create a script called run, e.g. /etc/service/whatever/run
  3. Give it execution permissions, e.g. chmod +x /etc/service/whatever/run

Here's an example /etc/service/yarprun/run example we'll use for the rest of the examples:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
export YARP_CONFIG_HOME=/home/teo/.config/yarp
yarprun --server /manipulation


Get the status of, say, a /etc/service/yarprun/run service with:

sudo svstat /etc/service/yarprun # We do not point to run here


You can get some log messages for debugging opening a separate terminal with:

ps aux | grep readproctitle

Then stop the service with:

sudo svc -d /etc/service/yarprun # We do not point to run here

And start the service with:

sudo svc -u /etc/service/yarprun # We do not point to run here

Additional Resources#