Install SoftGym#
Borrowed from SoftGym
Install SoftGym (Ubuntu 16.04, CUDA 9.2, Nvidia driver version 440.64)#
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev
Clone SoftGym repo
git clone
Create conda environment Create a conda environment and activate it:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Compile PyFleX: Go to the root folder of softgym and run
. ./
. After that, compile PyFleX with CMake & Pybind11 by running. ./
Please see the example test scripts and the bottom ofbindings/pyflex.cpp
for available APIs.
Install SoftGym (using nvidia-docker, any Ubuntu and CUDA version)#
A Dockerfile and pre-built Docker container for compiling SoftGym exists. Part of the docker solutions are borrowed from PyFlex and SoftGym
- Install docker-ce
- Install nvidia-docker
- Install Anaconda
- Install Pybind11 using
conda install pybind11
Running pre-built Dockerfile#
First clone SoftGym repo
git clone
Pull the pre-built docker file
sudo docker pull xingyu/softgym
Assuming you are using conda, using the following command to run docker, which will mount the python environment and SoftGym into the docker container. Make sure you have replaced
with the corresponding paths (make sure to use absolute path!).As an example:nvidia-docker run \ -v PATH_TO_SoftGym:/workspace/softgym \ -v PATH_TO_CONDA:PATH_TO_CONDA \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ --gpus all \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 \ -it xingyu/softgym:latest bash
This solution follows this tutorial for running GL and CUDA application inside the docker.nvidia-docker run \ -v ~/softgym:~/softgym \ -v ~/software/miniconda3/:~/software/miniconda3/ \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ --gpus all \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 \ -it xingyu/softgym:latest bash
Now you are in the Docker environment. Go to the softgym directory, create a conda env, set PATH and compile PyFlex
cd softgym export PATH="PATH_TO_CONDA/bin:$PATH" export PYFLEXROOT=${PWD}/PyFlex export PYTHONPATH=${PYFLEXROOT}/bindings/build:$PYTHONPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PYFLEXROOT}/external/SDL2-2.0.4/lib/x64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH conda create -n softgym #you can add here packages, not needed conda activate softgym ./
Now that PyFleX has properly compiled. You can move outside docker (
), export the environment variables and start playing with the repos/softgym export PATH="PATH_TO_CONDA/bin:$PATH" export PYFLEXROOT=${PWD}/PyFlex export PYTHONPATH=${PYFLEXROOT}/bindings/build:$PYTHONPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PYFLEXROOT}/external/SDL2-2.0.4/lib/x64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH conda activate softgym #Running an example python examples/ --env_name ClothFlatten #Probably missing a lot of packages, to install them: conda install -c conda-forge pkgname #For example conda install -c conda-forge numpy
If running the example fails to
import softgym.*
this is probably due toPYTHONPATH
issues and you should make sure the interpreter knows where to look for softgym package. More info on PYTHONPATH.