▼Nroboticslab | The main, catch-all namespace for Robotics Lab UC3M |
NKdlVectorConverter | Collection of utilities related to KDL and std::vector classes |
NKinRepresentation | Collection of static methods to perform geometric transformations |
▼Ntest | Contains classes related to unit testing |
CAsibotSolverTestFromFile | Tests AsibotSolver ikin from loaded configuration file |
CBasicCartesianControlTest | Tests BasicCartesianControl ikin and idyn on a simple mechanism |
CKdlSolverTest | Tests KdlSolver ikin and idyn on a simple mechanism |
CKdlSolverTestFromFile | Tests KdlSolver ikin and idyn on a simple mechanism |
CKinRepresentationTest | Tests KinRepresentation |
CScrewTheoryTest | Tests classes related to Screw Theory |
▼CAsibotConfiguration | Abstract base class for a robot configuration strategy selector |
CPose | Helper class to store a specific robot configuration |
CAsibotConfigurationFactory | Base factory class for AsibotConfiguration |
CAsibotConfigurationLeastOverallAngularDisplacement | IK solver configuration strategy selector based on the overall angle displacement of all joints |
CAsibotConfigurationLeastOverallAngularDisplacementFactory | Implementation factory class for AsibotConfigurationLeastOverallAngularDisplacement |
▼CAsibotSolver | The AsibotSolver implements ICartesianSolver |
CAsibotTcpFrame | |
▼CBasicCartesianControl | Implements ICartesianControl |
CStateWatcher | |
CCartesianControlClient | Implements ICartesianControl client side |
CCartesianControlServer | Implements ICartesianControl server side |
CCentroidTransform | |
CChainFkSolverPos_ST | FK solver using Screw Theory |
CChainIkSolverPos_ID | IK solver using infinitesimal displacement twists |
CChainIkSolverPos_ST | IK solver using Screw Theory |
▼CConfigurationSelector | Abstract base class for a robot configuration strategy selector |
CConfiguration | Helper class to store a specific robot configuration |
CConfigurationSelectorFactory | Base factory class for ConfigurationSelector |
CConfigurationSelectorHumanoidGait | IK solver configuration strategy selector based on human walking |
CConfigurationSelectorHumanoidGaitFactory | Implementation factory class for ConfigurationSelectorHumanoidGait |
CConfigurationSelectorLeastOverallAngularDisplacement | IK solver configuration strategy selector based on the overall displacement of all joints |
CConfigurationSelectorLeastOverallAngularDisplacementFactory | Implementation factory class for ConfigurationSelectorLeastOverallAngularDisplacement |
CFkStreamResponder | Responds to streaming FK messages |
CFtCompensation | Produces motion in the direction of an externally applied force measured by a force-torque sensor (pretty much mimicking a classical gravity compensation app) |
CGrabberResponder | Callback class for dealing with incoming grabber data streams |
CHaarDetectionController | Create seek-and-follow trajectories based on Haar detection algorithms |
CICartesianControl | Abstract base class for a cartesian controller |
CICartesianSolver | Abstract base class for a cartesian solver |
CInvalidDevice | Represents an invalid device |
CKdlSolver | Implements ICartesianSolver |
CKdlTreeSolver | Implements ICartesianSolver |
CKeyboardController | Sends streaming commands to the cartesian controller from a standard keyboard |
CLeapMotionSensorDevice | Represents a LeapMotion device wrapped as an analog sensor by YARP |
CLinearTrajectoryThread | Periodic thread that encapsulates a linear trajectory |
CMatrixExponential | Abstraction of a term in a product of exponentials (POE) formula |
CPadenKahanOne | First Paden-Kahan subproblem |
CPadenKahanThree | Third Paden-Kahan subproblem |
CPadenKahanTwo | Second Paden-Kahan subproblem |
CPardosGotorFour | Fourth Pardos-Gotor subproblem |
CPardosGotorOne | First Pardos-Gotor subproblem |
CPardosGotorThree | Third Pardos-Gotor subproblem |
CPardosGotorTwo | Second Pardos-Gotor subproblem |
CPoeExpression | Abstraction of a product of exponentials (POE) formula |
CRpcResponder | Responds to RPC command messages |
CRpcTransformResponder | Responds to RPC command messages, transforms incoming data |
CScrewTheoryIkProblem | Proxy IK problem solver class that iterates over a sequence of subproblems |
▼CScrewTheoryIkProblemBuilder | Automated IK solution finder |
CPoeTerm | Helper structure that holds the state of a POE term |
CScrewTheoryIkSubproblem | Interface shared by all IK subproblems found in Screw Theory applied to Robotics |
CSpnavSensorDevice | Represents a spacenav-compatible device, like the SpaceNavigator 6-DOF mouse from 3Dconnexion |
CStreamingDevice | Abstract class for a YARP streaming device |
CStreamingDeviceController | Sends streaming commands to the cartesian controller from a streaming input device like the 3Dconnexion Space Navigator |
CStreamingDeviceFactory | Factory class for creating instances of StreamingDevice |
CStreamResponder | Responds to streaming command messages |
CWiimoteSensorDevice | Represents a Wiimote device wrapped as an analog sensor by YARP |