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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NroboticslabThe main, catch-all namespace for Robotics Lab UC3M
 NKdlVectorConverterCollection of utilities related to KDL and std::vector classes
 NKinRepresentationCollection of static methods to perform geometric transformations
 NtestContains classes related to unit testing
 CAsibotSolverTestFromFileTests AsibotSolver ikin from loaded configuration file
 CBasicCartesianControlTestTests BasicCartesianControl ikin and idyn on a simple mechanism
 CKdlSolverTestTests KdlSolver ikin and idyn on a simple mechanism
 CKdlSolverTestFromFileTests KdlSolver ikin and idyn on a simple mechanism
 CKinRepresentationTestTests KinRepresentation
 CScrewTheoryTestTests classes related to Screw Theory
 CAsibotConfigurationAbstract base class for a robot configuration strategy selector
 CPoseHelper class to store a specific robot configuration
 CAsibotConfigurationFactoryBase factory class for AsibotConfiguration
 CAsibotConfigurationLeastOverallAngularDisplacementIK solver configuration strategy selector based on the overall angle displacement of all joints
 CAsibotConfigurationLeastOverallAngularDisplacementFactoryImplementation factory class for AsibotConfigurationLeastOverallAngularDisplacement
 CAsibotSolverThe AsibotSolver implements ICartesianSolver
 CBasicCartesianControlImplements ICartesianControl
 CCartesianControlClientImplements ICartesianControl client side
 CCartesianControlServerImplements ICartesianControl server side
 CChainFkSolverPos_STFK solver using Screw Theory
 CChainIkSolverPos_IDIK solver using infinitesimal displacement twists
 CChainIkSolverPos_STIK solver using Screw Theory
 CConfigurationSelectorAbstract base class for a robot configuration strategy selector
 CConfigurationHelper class to store a specific robot configuration
 CConfigurationSelectorFactoryBase factory class for ConfigurationSelector
 CConfigurationSelectorHumanoidGaitIK solver configuration strategy selector based on human walking
 CConfigurationSelectorHumanoidGaitFactoryImplementation factory class for ConfigurationSelectorHumanoidGait
 CConfigurationSelectorLeastOverallAngularDisplacementIK solver configuration strategy selector based on the overall displacement of all joints
 CConfigurationSelectorLeastOverallAngularDisplacementFactoryImplementation factory class for ConfigurationSelectorLeastOverallAngularDisplacement
 CFkStreamResponderResponds to streaming FK messages
 CFtCompensationProduces motion in the direction of an externally applied force measured by a force-torque sensor (pretty much mimicking a classical gravity compensation app)
 CGrabberResponderCallback class for dealing with incoming grabber data streams
 CHaarDetectionControllerCreate seek-and-follow trajectories based on Haar detection algorithms
 CICartesianControlAbstract base class for a cartesian controller
 CICartesianSolverAbstract base class for a cartesian solver
 CInvalidDeviceRepresents an invalid device
 CKdlSolverImplements ICartesianSolver
 CKdlTreeSolverImplements ICartesianSolver
 CKeyboardControllerSends streaming commands to the cartesian controller from a standard keyboard
 CLeapMotionSensorDeviceRepresents a LeapMotion device wrapped as an analog sensor by YARP
 CLinearTrajectoryThreadPeriodic thread that encapsulates a linear trajectory
 CMatrixExponentialAbstraction of a term in a product of exponentials (POE) formula
 CPadenKahanOneFirst Paden-Kahan subproblem
 CPadenKahanThreeThird Paden-Kahan subproblem
 CPadenKahanTwoSecond Paden-Kahan subproblem
 CPardosGotorFourFourth Pardos-Gotor subproblem
 CPardosGotorOneFirst Pardos-Gotor subproblem
 CPardosGotorThreeThird Pardos-Gotor subproblem
 CPardosGotorTwoSecond Pardos-Gotor subproblem
 CPoeExpressionAbstraction of a product of exponentials (POE) formula
 CRpcResponderResponds to RPC command messages
 CRpcTransformResponderResponds to RPC command messages, transforms incoming data
 CScrewTheoryIkProblemProxy IK problem solver class that iterates over a sequence of subproblems
 CScrewTheoryIkProblemBuilderAutomated IK solution finder
 CPoeTermHelper structure that holds the state of a POE term
 CScrewTheoryIkSubproblemInterface shared by all IK subproblems found in Screw Theory applied to Robotics
 CSpnavSensorDeviceRepresents a spacenav-compatible device, like the SpaceNavigator 6-DOF mouse from 3Dconnexion
 CStreamingDeviceAbstract class for a YARP streaming device
 CStreamingDeviceControllerSends streaming commands to the cartesian controller from a streaming input device like the 3Dconnexion Space Navigator
 CStreamingDeviceFactoryFactory class for creating instances of StreamingDevice
 CStreamResponderResponds to streaming command messages
 CWiimoteSensorDeviceRepresents a Wiimote device wrapped as an analog sensor by YARP