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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NroboticslabThe main, catch-all namespace for Robotics Lab UC3M
 NtestContains classes related to unit testing
 CAravisGigEImplementation for GigE cameras using Aravis as driver
 CBusLoadMonitorPeriodically sends CAN bus load stats through a YARP port
 Ccan_messageProxy CAN message structure
 CCanBusBrokerCAN-oriented control board that implements all YARP motor interfaces
 CCanBusHicoSpecifies the HicoCan (hcanpci) behaviour and specifications
 CCanBusPeakSpecifies the PeakCan behaviour and specifications
 CCanOpenNodeWrapper for CAN protocol handles with handy accessors
 CCanReaderThreadA thread that deals with CAN reads
 CCanReaderWriterThreadBase class for a thread that attends CAN reads or writes
 CCanWriterThreadA thread that attends CAN writes
 CCommandBufferA buffer for periodic commands implementing linear interpolation
 CCuiAbsoluteImplementation for the Cui Absolute Encoder custom UC3M circuit as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces)
 CDeviceMapperExposes raw subdevice interface handles on a per-axis manner
 CDriveStatusMachineRepresentation of a CiA 402 state machine controller
 CDumpCanBusConnects to a remote CAN publisher port and dumps output
 CEmcyCodeRegistryGeneric EMCY message parser
 CEmcyConsumerRepresentation of CAN EMCY protocol
 CEmulatedControlBoardImplements several motor interfaces
 CEncoderReadStores last encoder reads, obtains mean speeds and accelerations via differentiation
 CFakeJointImplementation for a fake joint (instant movement) as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces)
 CFutureTaskBase class for a deferred task executor
 CFutureTaskFactoryBase class for an abstract factory of FutureTask
 CHicoCanMessageYARP wrapper for HicoCAN messages
 CICanBusSharerAbstract base for a CAN bus sharer
 CICanMessageNotifierImplementation-agnostic consumer for RX CAN transfers
 CICanSenderDelegateImplementation-agnostic consumer for TX CAN transfers
 CImplementPeakCanBufferFactoryCustom buffer of PeakCanMessage instances
 CInterpolatedPositionBufferBase class for a PT/PVT buffer of setpoints
 CJointCalibratorRemote calibrator class for multi-joint homing and park
 CJr3MbedImplementation of a CAN node on an Mbed board that publishes data from a JR3 sensor
 CJr3PciImplementation for the JR3 sensor (PCi board)
 CLacqueyFetchImplementation for the Lacquey Fetch hand custom UC3M circuit as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces)
 CLaunchCanBusLaunches one or more CAN bus drivers and control board network wrappers
 CLeapMotionSensorImplementation for the LeapMotionSensor controller
 CMovementSpecsStores movement specifications: position, velocity, acceleration
 CNmtProtocolRepresentation of NMT protocol
 COneWayMonitorRegisters load statistics per single CAN bus
 CParallelTaskAn implementation of an asynchronous deferred callback executor
 CParallelTaskFactoryAbstract factory of ParallelTask
 CPdoConfigurationSet of SDO configuration values for a PdoProtocol
 CPdoProtocolAbstract representation of PDO protocol
 CPdoTransmissionTypeWrapped enumeration of a PDO transmission type
 CPeakCanMessageYARP wrapper for PeakCAN messages
 CPhidgetSpatialImplementation of a Phidgets device
 CPtBufferImplementation of a PT buffer (linear interpolation)
 CPvtBufferImplementation of a PVT buffer (cubic interpolation)
 CRawDeviceImmutable container for YARP raw interface handles
 CReceivePdoRepresentation of RPDO protocol
 CSdoClientRepresentation of SDO client protocol
 CSdoReplierRPC replier for remote SDO transfers
 CSequentialTaskAn implementation of a sequential deferred callback executor
 CSequentialTaskFactoryAbstract factory of SequentialTask
 CSingleBusBrokerMessage broker of a CAN bus with YARP port interfaces
 CSocketCanMessageYARP wrapper for SocketCAN messages
 CSpaceNavigatorImplementation for the SpaceNavigator 3D mouse
 CStateObserverData-free state observer
 CStateObserverBaseBase class for a state observer
 CSyncPeriodicThreadPeriodic SYNC signal emitter
 CTechnosoftIposImplementation for the Technosoft iPOS as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces)
 CTechnosoftIposBaseBase class for all proxied TechnosoftIpos implementations
 CTechnosoftIposEmbeddedA TechnosoftIposBase implementation using the firmware-embedded PID
 CTechnosoftIposEmcyCustom EMCY messages
 CTechnosoftIposExternalA TechnosoftIposBase implementation using an external (TEO board) PID
 CTextilesHandImplementation for the custom UC3M Textiles Hand as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces)
 CTransmitPdoRepresentation of TPDO protocol
 CTypedStateObserverType state observer for non-arithmetic types
 CTypedStateObserver< std::uint8_t[]>Type state observer for unsigned char arrays
 CTypedStateObserver< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >Type state observer for arithmetic types
 CWiimoteDispatcherThreadThread that listens to Wiimote events
 CWiimoteEventDataHolds key state data from input events
 CWiimoteSensorImplementation for the Wiimote controller
 CYarpCanSenderDelegateA sender delegate that adheres to standard YARP interfaces for CAN
 Chash< roboticslab::DriveState >
 Chash< roboticslab::DriveTransition >