▼Nctpl | |
►Ndetail | |
Cthread_pool | |
▼NexampleOnlineTrajectoryRemotePull | |
CSyncCallback | |
▼NgrabberControls2Gui | |
►NGrabberControls2GuiBackend | |
►NGrabberControls2GuiGUI | |
▼Nroboticslab | The main, catch-all namespace for Robotics Lab UC3M |
►Ntest | Contains classes related to unit testing |
CAravisGigE | Implementation for GigE cameras using Aravis as driver |
CBottleExtract | |
CBusLoadMonitor | Periodically sends CAN bus load stats through a YARP port |
Ccan_message | Proxy CAN message structure |
CCanBusBroker | CAN-oriented control board that implements all YARP motor interfaces |
►CCanBusHico | Specifies the HicoCan (hcanpci) behaviour and specifications |
CCanBusPeak | Specifies the PeakCan behaviour and specifications |
CCanBusSocket | |
CCanOpenNode | Wrapper for CAN protocol handles with handy accessors |
CCanReaderThread | A thread that deals with CAN reads |
CCanReaderWriterThread | Base class for a thread that attends CAN reads or writes |
CCanWriterThread | A thread that attends CAN writes |
CCommandBuffer | A buffer for periodic commands implementing linear interpolation |
CCuiAbsolute | Implementation for the Cui Absolute Encoder custom UC3M circuit as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces) |
CDeviceMapper | Exposes raw subdevice interface handles on a per-axis manner |
CDriveStatusMachine | Representation of a CiA 402 state machine controller |
CDumpCanBus | Connects to a remote CAN publisher port and dumps output |
CEmcyCodeRegistry | Generic EMCY message parser |
CEmcyConsumer | Representation of CAN EMCY protocol |
CEmulatedControlBoard | Implements several motor interfaces |
CEncoderRead | Stores last encoder reads, obtains mean speeds and accelerations via differentiation |
CExampleRemoteControlBoard | |
CFakeJoint | Implementation for a fake joint (instant movement) as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces) |
CFutureTask | Base class for a deferred task executor |
CFutureTaskFactory | Base class for an abstract factory of FutureTask |
CHicoCanMessage | YARP wrapper for HicoCAN messages |
CICanBusSharer | Abstract base for a CAN bus sharer |
CICanMessageNotifier | Implementation-agnostic consumer for RX CAN transfers |
CICanSenderDelegate | Implementation-agnostic consumer for TX CAN transfers |
CImplementPeakCanBufferFactory | Custom buffer of PeakCanMessage instances |
CInterpolatedPositionBuffer | Base class for a PT/PVT buffer of setpoints |
CJointCalibrator | Remote calibrator class for multi-joint homing and park |
CJr3Mbed | Implementation of a CAN node on an Mbed board that publishes data from a JR3 sensor |
CJr3Pci | Implementation for the JR3 sensor (PCi board) |
CLacqueyFetch | Implementation for the Lacquey Fetch hand custom UC3M circuit as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces) |
CLaunchCanBus | Launches one or more CAN bus drivers and control board network wrappers |
CLeapMotionSensor | Implementation for the LeapMotionSensor controller |
CMovementSpecs | Stores movement specifications: position, velocity, acceleration |
CNmtProtocol | Representation of NMT protocol |
COneWayMonitor | Registers load statistics per single CAN bus |
CParallelTask | An implementation of an asynchronous deferred callback executor |
►CParallelTaskFactory | Abstract factory of ParallelTask |
►CPdoConfiguration | Set of SDO configuration values for a PdoProtocol |
CPdoProtocol | Abstract representation of PDO protocol |
CPdoTransmissionType | Wrapped enumeration of a PDO transmission type |
CPeakCanMessage | YARP wrapper for PeakCAN messages |
CPhidgetSpatial | Implementation of a Phidgets device |
CPtBuffer | Implementation of a PT buffer (linear interpolation) |
CPvtBuffer | Implementation of a PVT buffer (cubic interpolation) |
►CRawDevice | Immutable container for YARP raw interface handles |
CReceivePdo | Representation of RPDO protocol |
CSdoClient | Representation of SDO client protocol |
►CSdoReplier | RPC replier for remote SDO transfers |
CSequentialTask | An implementation of a sequential deferred callback executor |
CSequentialTaskFactory | Abstract factory of SequentialTask |
CSingleBusBroker | Message broker of a CAN bus with YARP port interfaces |
CSocketCanMessage | YARP wrapper for SocketCAN messages |
CSpaceNavigator | Implementation for the SpaceNavigator 3D mouse |
CStateObserver | Data-free state observer |
►CStateObserverBase | Base class for a state observer |
CSyncPeriodicThread | Periodic SYNC signal emitter |
CTechnosoftIpos | Implementation for the Technosoft iPOS as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces) |
►CTechnosoftIposBase | Base class for all proxied TechnosoftIpos implementations |
CTechnosoftIposEmbedded | A TechnosoftIposBase implementation using the firmware-embedded PID |
CTechnosoftIposEmcy | Custom EMCY messages |
CTechnosoftIposExternal | A TechnosoftIposBase implementation using an external (TEO board) PID |
CTextilesHand | Implementation for the custom UC3M Textiles Hand as a single CAN bus joint (control board raw interfaces) |
►CTransmitPdo | Representation of TPDO protocol |
►CTrapezoidalTrajectory | |
CTypedStateObserver | Type state observer for non-arithmetic types |
CTypedStateObserver< std::uint8_t[]> | Type state observer for unsigned char arrays |
CTypedStateObserver< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | Type state observer for arithmetic types |
CWiimoteDispatcherThread | Thread that listens to Wiimote events |
CWiimoteEventData | Holds key state data from input events |
CWiimoteSensor | Implementation for the Wiimote controller |
CYarpCanSenderDelegate | A sender delegate that adheres to standard YARP interfaces for CAN |
▼NsensorReader | |
CDataProcessor | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< roboticslab::DriveState > | |
Chash< roboticslab::DriveTransition > | |
Ccan_filter | |
Ccan_msg | |
Cerr_stat | |
CSyncCallback | |
CWorker |